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Scientists Terrifying New Discovery Of Malaysian Flight 370 Changes Everything!
How I dub all my channels into 28 Languages with AI:
For copyright contact: stienlemane2379(at)
Welcome to Futureunity, where we explore the fascinating world of science, technology, and the universe! From the inner workings of the human body to the outer reaches of space, we delve into the latest and most interesting discoveries that are shaping our world. Whether you're a science buff or just looking for some mind-blowing facts, we've got you covered. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of the world around us and discover new frontiers in the fields of science and technology. Get ready for a journey. Please remember that our videos are purely made for entertainment purposes only. Our information may not be correct. Enjoy, but question and explore further.
Content on Futureunity is for entertainment only. While we aim for accuracy, our information may not be correct, up-to-date or complete. Always consult experts and do your own research. Enjoy, but question and explore further.
@pinschrunner : Research the passenger list, their professions, and the reason they were travelling, and you will have all the answers you need.
@goldenwolf90 : Among the 239 people on board the plane, which disappeared on 8 March 2014, was a party of Chinese calligraphers, a couple returning to their young sons after a beach getaway and a construction worker making his first trip home in a year.
There were 14 nationalities represented in the 227 passengers and 12 crew travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The majority - 153 people - were Chinese.
Here are some of their stories.
@zhili1167 : Everyone wants some fantastical story of a Captain going nuts and taking the plane down. I always thought it was Hypoxia. That plane flew until it ran out of fuel similar to the Helios flight.
I feel for the loved ones of all who were lost.
@tracyjohnson2992 : I have to say this is the most insignificant documentary i have seen. Yes there is a lot of passengers who all have families that are worried even 10 years later. People have been searching all over the Indian ocean, bit and pieces of a plane have been recovered as far away as Madagascar have been found, with no conclusive proof that it is from the Aircraft of flight MH 370. My heart grieves for everyone whos loved ones still have no closure no one to put to rest no one to say good bye too. We do have a lot of bloody maybe's and i am tired of hearing the same chit chat about the pilot being responsible again with no proof. Why don't these You tuber's and rich companies out there try doing something else. instead of searching in a place that was not destined for the Indian ocean but was actually travelling to its actual destination to China Beijing. Instead of being lead down the garden path by his flight simulator and possible destinations they could have been going. Everything you need to know i believe is on the mountain region of China on the way to Beijing. so stop searching the Indian ocean and start looking in the obvious places where some survivors could have been while you were all searching the wrong bloody place. When a plane suddenly disappears off of radar there is usually a mechanical problem. the black box still continues to send a beep no mater what. the black box is built to be strong and has survived many crashes over the years. The USA was one of the nations trying to find the people on that flight they were not responsible for the disappearance of those passengers and crew. If the flight was downed for mechanical failure then why weren't the passengers able to send a text to family or to get some kind of final goodbye which means the plane took a nose dive which would have been over very quickly for the people on board. Even 10 years ago people had cellular phones of some description even on Airplane mode they still could have used their own phones without disrupting the planes systems. Now until you come up with some answers and not maybes this would be better for all the people whos families have access to the internet to hear the flight maybes and still no conclusive answers. I didn't know anyone on that flight but it disturbs me when i hear tons of conjecture and no proof no actual aircraft just bit of an aircraft but not conclusively proven to be of that air craft the one that was MH 370. So i can only imagine having this new video and still tons of maybe's and no proof and no aircraft and no people to put to rest which means the anguish is still as prevalent as it was the night that flight disappeared. No more maybe's just proof. As for Korea possibly shooting down the flight and covering it up with the help of the Malaysian government that is not out of the realms of possibility, they were very swift in the way they got together with the Malaysian Government to come up with what didn't happen. Those people are still missing the USA doesn't have them they would not use their own people on that flight along with how many other nations that would be an act of war on a global scale. The USA didn't shoot down a passenger aircraft for coming too close to one of their secret facilities in the Indian Ocean. They would have scrambled jets to find out what was going on. The USA does not shoot down passenger aircraft. This is one possibility that doesn't track. what were the motives for the pilot doing something like this. you always go for the obvious first it could have been the co pilot again a lot of maybe's. Mechanical problems could shut down all systems so could hitting the mountainside but it was in the south China sea it disappeared on radar. refresh my memory here why was that search called off, and who was the bright IQ that did that and why? When the plane disappeared on Radar they didn't have the Pilots flight simulator which had the root of a flight simulation as one of the many i am sure that were on there. then the Korean Military stepped in to say it wasn't us the could have shot them down, Way too quickly when a plane disappears it is not obviously someone shot the plane down so why did Korean Military jump in and say they didn't shoot it down or it was in our airspace so we had good reason to shoot it down???????? In the weeks following a group of so called unofficial experts in the field of aviation started their own evaluation of the facts as disclosed on the day after the plane disappeared. the passengers were not under investigation even though they were missing along with the rest of the people on board the plane when it disappeared. A pilot goes through medical evaluations periodically possibly once or twice a year. this would be a logical move for airline trusting their very expensive machines. yet oversight is possible. A pilot doesn't just get up one morning and say today is a good day to die. I mean who does that taking 300 people with him please with no prior changes in attitude or routine or suddenly becoming violent or doing things out of the norm. He was still doing flight simulator on You tube. people need to know how to fly or learn about how to fly. i am curious about how to pilot an aircraft and know exactly where the heck you are up there. I think i would have preferred cabin crew. One of those experts was a lady who seeing on Google maps one day that an Aircraft mainly intact in the south china sea and told the experts who promptly dismissed it and went with the Indian ocean theory. Experts should be open to the realms of possibility. The real reason it was dismissed was because she is a woman. she was the only female doing her own investigation and she sent them the picture she saw on Google maps. So there you have it. No more Maybes because they are infinitely hugh. More facts more being open to suggestion and less my balls are bigger than yours. And before you males and females bite my head off we all know it happens and we all look the other way so just don't ok. I have dealt with more male testosterone to last me an entire life time. in this day of acceptance and equality that is bull shit. The males in this instance were running this shit show and it was a woman expert in the very beginning that found a plane and was dismissed as not possibly being that aircraft. how many aircraft have they lost or other nations have lost in that very time frame or even planes that have gone missing never to be found again. so the question should have been is this possibly the MH 370 if not whos plane is that? No its not the MH 370 and move on to the Indian Ocean because that was the route the pilot had in his home simulator. was it the route that was programmed into his flight plan and auto pilot? Question number 2. Honestly you need to start again right from the time the Pilot co pilot and cabin crew all got up in the morning to get ready for their routine flight to China Beijing airport from Kuala Lumpur. No flight simulator not other information. go into each background and then go through the passenger manifest and do the same thing with each of them so back track people stick to the assumption its business as usual routine flight what next. then go through the list of problems that could bring an aircraft to the ground in this case the South China sea, possible crash zones on the way to Beijing. go to Beijing and back track. Check out the plane found by that woman on Google maps find out for sure what this aircraft is and if it isn't then you need to be letting those families know their plane has been officially found and put some pride into it for heaven sake. those people on that plane need to find their families too who are waiting for answers. If it is MH 370 why has it taken so long for you to get on it and deal with it. People are waiting for loved ones to bury. These are human beings not number's not pieces of meat they have lives jobs and dreams the same as the rest of us. Answers not bloody maybe's please. its been 10 years. If it is the MH 370 there are going to be more questions than you think coming your way sometimes the truth is right under your noses. Planes don't just disappear and neither do over 300 passengers and crew.
@JDesq : so basically nothing we didnt already know a week after it disappeared , good job u on your amazing insights & sharing them with us all , we can all sleep again
Why We Never Found The Malaysian Flight MH370?
Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappearance, also called MH370 disappearance, is the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on March 8, 2014, during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The disappearance of the Boeing 777 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board led to a search effort stretching from the Indian Ocean west of Australia to Central Asia. The perplexing nature of the loss of flight 370 is such that it has become one of history’s most famous missing aircraft.
@rs7464_ : This whole tragedy gives me extreme anxiety. Were the passengers alive, unconscious, or even dead by the time the plane went in the ocean? I hope they weren’t alive. I wonder what it must feel like. They didn’t deserve this. A routine act of flying on a plane people think nothing of it. Little did they know it would be the last thing they ever did. Very sad. I feel for the families. Really hope it’s found soon.
@billgallant7339 : I don't think it ran out of fuel at all. I believe this was a deliberate controlled ditching into the ocean trying to leave the least possible debris trail. Which looks like what happened. And if you were going to intentionally ditch the aircraft, why would you let it run out of fuel ? Would be much easier to control the decent and the ditching with power. The fact that they found a flaperon indicates a low speed impact. Whom ever did this found some really deep water and ditched it as slow as they could. So it would just flood and sink. Thinking it would never be found. And given the depth of the water, they most likely will never find it.
@farmor1023 : I’ve followed this event since day 1, mostly because when I lived in Malaysia MH was my airline of choice when I returned to my home country Sweden via Schiphol, Amsterdam . I love the airline and have flown it several times after MH370 tragedy I hope the mystery will be solved for everybody’s sake
@chris5159 : I feel so sorry for those family members. To be told that your family member is lost along with a full plane and flight crew while TV crews have cameras in your face recording your every move and expression must be traumatising
@johnscustomsaws : This is one of the craziest modern day mysteries and I still don't understand how planes are not better tracked. You can find a cell phone at any time but not a plane (also with hundreds of cell phones on it)... for the families and loved ones it has to be brutal not knowing what happened... losing someone from an accident is horrible enough but having no closure is unacceptable when hundreds of people just vanish. Hopefully all the recent documentaries and videos put pressure on the airline and govt to solve this... it needs to come to a conclusion even if the outcome is sad thats better than not knowing.
The Vanishing of Flight 370
[Credits, References, and More]
@LEMMiNO : [Credits, References, and More]
@inanimatesum4945 : When YouTubers make better, more engaging documentaries than news outlets and people with millions of dollars
@neilchaturvedi : My fifth grade best friends mother was on that plane. He left school a few months later. It was terribly, terribly sad. I remember my entire class gathered. He was not present in class, but we all prayed for his mother.
@killjoy8372 : This story has always terrified me way more then any true crime or serial killer cases, the idea that even with all this technology and all these people searching we have literally no idea what happened to these people is so eerie
@manijattboy : this guy made a way more informative documentary in 24 mins than what netflix recently made in 3 hours
How I dub all my channels into 28 Languages with AI:
For copyright contact: stienlemane2379(at)
Welcome to Futureunity, where we explore the fascinating world of science, technology, and the universe! From the inner workings of the human body to the outer reaches of space, we delve into the latest and most interesting discoveries that are shaping our world. Whether you're a science buff or just looking for some mind-blowing facts, we've got you covered. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of the world around us and discover new frontiers in the fields of science and technology. Get ready for a journey. Please remember that our videos are purely made for entertainment purposes only. Our information may not be correct. Enjoy, but question and explore further.
Content on Futureunity is for entertainment only. While we aim for accuracy, our information may not be correct, up-to-date or complete. Always consult experts and do your own research. Enjoy, but question and explore further.
@pinschrunner : Research the passenger list, their professions, and the reason they were travelling, and you will have all the answers you need.
@goldenwolf90 : Among the 239 people on board the plane, which disappeared on 8 March 2014, was a party of Chinese calligraphers, a couple returning to their young sons after a beach getaway and a construction worker making his first trip home in a year.
There were 14 nationalities represented in the 227 passengers and 12 crew travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The majority - 153 people - were Chinese.
Here are some of their stories.
@zhili1167 : Everyone wants some fantastical story of a Captain going nuts and taking the plane down. I always thought it was Hypoxia. That plane flew until it ran out of fuel similar to the Helios flight.
I feel for the loved ones of all who were lost.
@tracyjohnson2992 : I have to say this is the most insignificant documentary i have seen. Yes there is a lot of passengers who all have families that are worried even 10 years later. People have been searching all over the Indian ocean, bit and pieces of a plane have been recovered as far away as Madagascar have been found, with no conclusive proof that it is from the Aircraft of flight MH 370. My heart grieves for everyone whos loved ones still have no closure no one to put to rest no one to say good bye too. We do have a lot of bloody maybe's and i am tired of hearing the same chit chat about the pilot being responsible again with no proof. Why don't these You tuber's and rich companies out there try doing something else. instead of searching in a place that was not destined for the Indian ocean but was actually travelling to its actual destination to China Beijing. Instead of being lead down the garden path by his flight simulator and possible destinations they could have been going. Everything you need to know i believe is on the mountain region of China on the way to Beijing. so stop searching the Indian ocean and start looking in the obvious places where some survivors could have been while you were all searching the wrong bloody place. When a plane suddenly disappears off of radar there is usually a mechanical problem. the black box still continues to send a beep no mater what. the black box is built to be strong and has survived many crashes over the years. The USA was one of the nations trying to find the people on that flight they were not responsible for the disappearance of those passengers and crew. If the flight was downed for mechanical failure then why weren't the passengers able to send a text to family or to get some kind of final goodbye which means the plane took a nose dive which would have been over very quickly for the people on board. Even 10 years ago people had cellular phones of some description even on Airplane mode they still could have used their own phones without disrupting the planes systems. Now until you come up with some answers and not maybes this would be better for all the people whos families have access to the internet to hear the flight maybes and still no conclusive answers. I didn't know anyone on that flight but it disturbs me when i hear tons of conjecture and no proof no actual aircraft just bit of an aircraft but not conclusively proven to be of that air craft the one that was MH 370. So i can only imagine having this new video and still tons of maybe's and no proof and no aircraft and no people to put to rest which means the anguish is still as prevalent as it was the night that flight disappeared. No more maybe's just proof. As for Korea possibly shooting down the flight and covering it up with the help of the Malaysian government that is not out of the realms of possibility, they were very swift in the way they got together with the Malaysian Government to come up with what didn't happen. Those people are still missing the USA doesn't have them they would not use their own people on that flight along with how many other nations that would be an act of war on a global scale. The USA didn't shoot down a passenger aircraft for coming too close to one of their secret facilities in the Indian Ocean. They would have scrambled jets to find out what was going on. The USA does not shoot down passenger aircraft. This is one possibility that doesn't track. what were the motives for the pilot doing something like this. you always go for the obvious first it could have been the co pilot again a lot of maybe's. Mechanical problems could shut down all systems so could hitting the mountainside but it was in the south China sea it disappeared on radar. refresh my memory here why was that search called off, and who was the bright IQ that did that and why? When the plane disappeared on Radar they didn't have the Pilots flight simulator which had the root of a flight simulation as one of the many i am sure that were on there. then the Korean Military stepped in to say it wasn't us the could have shot them down, Way too quickly when a plane disappears it is not obviously someone shot the plane down so why did Korean Military jump in and say they didn't shoot it down or it was in our airspace so we had good reason to shoot it down???????? In the weeks following a group of so called unofficial experts in the field of aviation started their own evaluation of the facts as disclosed on the day after the plane disappeared. the passengers were not under investigation even though they were missing along with the rest of the people on board the plane when it disappeared. A pilot goes through medical evaluations periodically possibly once or twice a year. this would be a logical move for airline trusting their very expensive machines. yet oversight is possible. A pilot doesn't just get up one morning and say today is a good day to die. I mean who does that taking 300 people with him please with no prior changes in attitude or routine or suddenly becoming violent or doing things out of the norm. He was still doing flight simulator on You tube. people need to know how to fly or learn about how to fly. i am curious about how to pilot an aircraft and know exactly where the heck you are up there. I think i would have preferred cabin crew. One of those experts was a lady who seeing on Google maps one day that an Aircraft mainly intact in the south china sea and told the experts who promptly dismissed it and went with the Indian ocean theory. Experts should be open to the realms of possibility. The real reason it was dismissed was because she is a woman. she was the only female doing her own investigation and she sent them the picture she saw on Google maps. So there you have it. No more Maybes because they are infinitely hugh. More facts more being open to suggestion and less my balls are bigger than yours. And before you males and females bite my head off we all know it happens and we all look the other way so just don't ok. I have dealt with more male testosterone to last me an entire life time. in this day of acceptance and equality that is bull shit. The males in this instance were running this shit show and it was a woman expert in the very beginning that found a plane and was dismissed as not possibly being that aircraft. how many aircraft have they lost or other nations have lost in that very time frame or even planes that have gone missing never to be found again. so the question should have been is this possibly the MH 370 if not whos plane is that? No its not the MH 370 and move on to the Indian Ocean because that was the route the pilot had in his home simulator. was it the route that was programmed into his flight plan and auto pilot? Question number 2. Honestly you need to start again right from the time the Pilot co pilot and cabin crew all got up in the morning to get ready for their routine flight to China Beijing airport from Kuala Lumpur. No flight simulator not other information. go into each background and then go through the passenger manifest and do the same thing with each of them so back track people stick to the assumption its business as usual routine flight what next. then go through the list of problems that could bring an aircraft to the ground in this case the South China sea, possible crash zones on the way to Beijing. go to Beijing and back track. Check out the plane found by that woman on Google maps find out for sure what this aircraft is and if it isn't then you need to be letting those families know their plane has been officially found and put some pride into it for heaven sake. those people on that plane need to find their families too who are waiting for answers. If it is MH 370 why has it taken so long for you to get on it and deal with it. People are waiting for loved ones to bury. These are human beings not number's not pieces of meat they have lives jobs and dreams the same as the rest of us. Answers not bloody maybe's please. its been 10 years. If it is the MH 370 there are going to be more questions than you think coming your way sometimes the truth is right under your noses. Planes don't just disappear and neither do over 300 passengers and crew.
@JDesq : so basically nothing we didnt already know a week after it disappeared , good job u on your amazing insights & sharing them with us all , we can all sleep again
Why We Never Found The Malaysian Flight MH370?
Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappearance, also called MH370 disappearance, is the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on March 8, 2014, during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The disappearance of the Boeing 777 with 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board led to a search effort stretching from the Indian Ocean west of Australia to Central Asia. The perplexing nature of the loss of flight 370 is such that it has become one of history’s most famous missing aircraft.
@rs7464_ : This whole tragedy gives me extreme anxiety. Were the passengers alive, unconscious, or even dead by the time the plane went in the ocean? I hope they weren’t alive. I wonder what it must feel like. They didn’t deserve this. A routine act of flying on a plane people think nothing of it. Little did they know it would be the last thing they ever did. Very sad. I feel for the families. Really hope it’s found soon.
@billgallant7339 : I don't think it ran out of fuel at all. I believe this was a deliberate controlled ditching into the ocean trying to leave the least possible debris trail. Which looks like what happened. And if you were going to intentionally ditch the aircraft, why would you let it run out of fuel ? Would be much easier to control the decent and the ditching with power. The fact that they found a flaperon indicates a low speed impact. Whom ever did this found some really deep water and ditched it as slow as they could. So it would just flood and sink. Thinking it would never be found. And given the depth of the water, they most likely will never find it.
@farmor1023 : I’ve followed this event since day 1, mostly because when I lived in Malaysia MH was my airline of choice when I returned to my home country Sweden via Schiphol, Amsterdam . I love the airline and have flown it several times after MH370 tragedy I hope the mystery will be solved for everybody’s sake
@chris5159 : I feel so sorry for those family members. To be told that your family member is lost along with a full plane and flight crew while TV crews have cameras in your face recording your every move and expression must be traumatising
@johnscustomsaws : This is one of the craziest modern day mysteries and I still don't understand how planes are not better tracked. You can find a cell phone at any time but not a plane (also with hundreds of cell phones on it)... for the families and loved ones it has to be brutal not knowing what happened... losing someone from an accident is horrible enough but having no closure is unacceptable when hundreds of people just vanish. Hopefully all the recent documentaries and videos put pressure on the airline and govt to solve this... it needs to come to a conclusion even if the outcome is sad thats better than not knowing.
The Vanishing of Flight 370
[Credits, References, and More]
@LEMMiNO : [Credits, References, and More]
@inanimatesum4945 : When YouTubers make better, more engaging documentaries than news outlets and people with millions of dollars
@neilchaturvedi : My fifth grade best friends mother was on that plane. He left school a few months later. It was terribly, terribly sad. I remember my entire class gathered. He was not present in class, but we all prayed for his mother.
@killjoy8372 : This story has always terrified me way more then any true crime or serial killer cases, the idea that even with all this technology and all these people searching we have literally no idea what happened to these people is so eerie
@manijattboy : this guy made a way more informative documentary in 24 mins than what netflix recently made in 3 hours
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